Thursday, June 21, 2018

Understanding and Function of Processor

Hasil gambar untuk pengertian processor
Processor / processor is one of the most important components of the computer circuit, without this one device the company will not walk alias will not be useful because the processor is the brain of the computer.
Understanding Processor
Generally understanding the processor or often called the brain of the computer, the processor is clearly an IC that controls the entire course of a computer system and used as a center or brain with the function of performing calculations and perform tasks.

The location of this processor is on the motherboard, now when the motherboard selection must be adjusted to the type of socket from the processor example for intel processor there is socket LGA then look for motherboard with LGA socket also and AMD processor AMD + there must be also adjusted.

Function of Processor
In general, the processor function (processor) is only to process data received from the input or in the input, then will result in output expenditure.

The processor can not work alone but requires support and keep in touch with other components especially hard drives and RAM. In processing a data can be done with the processing time sooner or later depending on the speed of the processor.

Currently, the highest processor speed at 4 Gigahertz (GHz) means that it can read 4000 billion commands in a single step, a fantastic number in the world of technological developments. For gamers, would have been familiar with the term, "greater processor, greater gaming experience", because a game must be very influential with the capacity of a computer processor.

For the aspect of developers or specialized companies production processors there are 2 well-known companies namely intel and AMD. Of these 2 companies are flooding many of the processor market. Products ke2nya certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each. Some say that durability to use for hours or days intel more reliable while for the AMD gamers so the choice because it is better in processing the graph. Insya allah this discussion will be discussed in another opportunity.

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