Friday, December 9, 2016


Febri time computer times will discuss speaker protector. Why is important in assembling a protector speaker amplifier? Why relatik speaker has a resistance that is small, only 2ohm up to tens of ohms only.

If there is a relatively large dc current, and in the long term, it is likely that the speakers be rusak.Biasanya rolls which is on the speakers will be burned or broken.Well, in order to protect the speakers from buffeting dc moment, or damage the amplifier that gives rise to a dc voltage at the output, it is necessary speaker protector.

Leading electronics manufacturer that produces amplifiers, speakers usually include this in the circuit protector. so it is clear how important this protector speaker.

Interested to know how the circuit protector of the speaker? Let's discuss together.Here is an example of a simple scheme taken from google.
And this is an example of the physical manifestation speaker protector on the market.

Let us examine the workings of the speaker protector, T1 and T2 are active penditeksi when no load dc output amplifier.
T3 is T4 controller. T4 is the ultimate controller of the relay. 

When on the first time there is the instantaneous voltage on the base of T1 relay off for a moment and then on, then when T1 tertriger TEG wishful dc at the base of active T1 T3 will lead off, because T3 off .

then T4 will also experience off, and eventually became off.maka relaypun speaker protector works, the speakers become disconnected with the amplifier output connections.

Computer Febri thus can convey, good luck to assemble speaker protector.
Regards, Febri computer

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