Friday, December 9, 2016

History windows

The operating system is often used by people and countless easy to understand is this windos, Windows was divided into several parts, but for the type of operating system is already my last posting on the occasion that is about all kinds of operating systems.for this time tkj materials and learning computer wants to give insight into the field of computers again to you all that the historical development of the Windows operating system.

You should know that the Windows operating system was developed gradually, and this post actually connect my last post about the history of the operating system, but to be clear of all, let ktia discuss the historical development of the Windows operating system.

Mircorost Windows is the operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation that uses a graphical interface or known GUI (Graphical User Interface).


Ms-Dos (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a text-based Operating System and Command-Line interpreter. The first version of Windows, Windows Graphic Environmnet 1.0 is a software that works on Arsitekstur 16-Bit and is not an operating system and running on MS-DOS, so to run it require MS-DOS.

MS-DOS itself was actually created by a computer manufacturer Seattle Computer Products was recruited by Microsoft which subsequently purchased a license. MS-DOS was first released in the year 198, and over time, Microsoft also launched a newer version of MS-DOS. No fewer than eight times until Microsoft released a new version of MS-DOS from 1981 until Microsoft stop supporting MS-DOS in 200.

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