Friday, December 16, 2016


In general, a computer network can be divided into three types, namely LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), and the latter is a WAN (Wide Area Network). But we shall see this time is a computer network that has the smallest range diatara three, namely LAN (Local Area Network).

Computer Network LAN is a computer network that consists of a few things to computers that have a limited range in a relatively narrow area. LAN network example that we often encounter is the LAN network in the cafe, library, Lab School, and others.

LAN computer networks in general are mutually muntuk network used to connect multiple computers into a single entity in order to share data and resources such as a printer, scanner, modem at the same time.

Network LAN LAN is also divided into traditional and modern LAN. The most fundamental difference in this network is in terms of speed of operation. Traditional LAN networks have a level of operating speeds range from 10 up to 100 Mbps (megabytes / second).

While modern LAN network have an average speed that far surpasses it, which can reach speeds of up to hundreds of Mbps.

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